AI Powered Commitizen

2024 年 01 月 23 日 / 工具

For someone like me, coding is maybe not always the hardest thing. Writting comments or explain something can always do a large harm to me. So I used to use some commitizen package to generate words automatically. Today we have AI to help us to read changes and produce comments, and a commitizen named cz-git that help us to generate regular comments. The first thing to enjoy lazy time is make everything done, so let’s prepare the enviroment.


  • Cz-git
  • OpenAI token (Or third part)
  • Lazygit (Optional)
  • Action power and a clever mind

Install cz-git

More engineered, lightweight, customizable, standard output format Commitizen adapter and Git commit CLI.

The steps below maybe outdated oneday, if you wish to install cz-git more correctly, please read official document.

Install global dependencies

npm install -g czg

Global configuration adapter type

echo '{ "path": "cz-git", "$schema": "" }' > ~/.czrc

Setup OpenAI token

Login to OpenAI and create your API secret key, which starts with sk-, and then run command npx czg --api-key=<API secret key> and input your key to setup your token save to local.

npx czg --api-key=sk-xxxxx

Then, you can use czg ai command to generate comment to commit.

Lazygit (Optional)

When writting this blog, I found that Lazygit provided commitizen integration for so long time, it’s worth to have a try. Read more via Custom Commands Compendium · jesseduffield/lazygit Wiki (

Just change the commit command, and get cool AI powerd commitizen.

  - key: "C"
    command: "git cz ai"
    description: "commit with commitizen"
    context: "files"
    loadingText: "opening commitizen commit tool"
    subprocess: true